Popular Unity Ceremonies - Traditional

As wedding officiants, we have been fortunate to witness the countless ways love takes center stage during weddings. While contemporary trends offer fresh and creative ideas for couples, traditional unity ceremonies still hold a special place in our hearts. These time-honored rituals symbolize the union of two people in love and connect us to our own cultural traditions that have graced countless wedding ceremonies.

Unity Sand: Grains of Sand Can’t Be Separated

About the origins of this ceremony, many say that it dates back to biblical times when contracts were celebrated by mixing salt in the ground, taking for granted that once the salt was mixed, it could never be separated, becoming a covenant forever. Others say the ceremony is traditional for Hawaiian weddings where the couple brought sand from their respective places of origin and mixed it as a symbol of union and eternal love. 

But what is the true meaning of the sand ceremony?

It is the couple who come as individual beings, with independent experiences and desires, and together, by pouring the sand into the largest container, they are forming a single family and from that moment their lives will merge into one.

Ron Wood Photo

Unity Candle: A Flame of Love

The Unity Candle Ceremony is a classic and elegant ritual that signifies joining two lives. It typically involves three candles: two individual ones representing the partners, and a larger central candle. As the couple lights their individual candles, they symbolize their separate lives, families, and experiences. Together, they use their lit candles to ignite the central candle, representing their commitment to a shared journey and a life together.

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Unity Candle

Unity Thirteen Coins: Wealth of Love

This beautiful ceremony involves the exchange of thirteen coins between the couple. The act symbolizes the couple's commitment to provide for one another and their future family. Each coin represents a specific blessing, such as love, trust, or harmony, and the exchange reflects the couple's pledge to support and care for each other's well-being.

Danielle Margherite Photography

Unity Veil: The Symbol of Unity and Protection

The Unity Veil Ceremony involves placing a veil or cord over the couple, signifying their union and the protective cloak of their love. The act symbolizes the couple's shared journey and intention to protect and support one another throughout their lives.

Dana Lynn Photography

Unity Handfast: A Binding Commitment

The Unity Handfasting Ceremony is a tangible representation of the couple's commitment to one another. Their hands are tied together with a ribbon or cord, symbolizing their union and their promise to walk through life hand-in-hand. It showcases the couple's intention to remain bound in love and partnership.

GC Media Miami

In a world of ever-changing wedding trends and creative innovations, traditional unity wedding ceremonies continue to stand the test of time. They carry the weight of history, culture, and enduring love. As wedding officiants, we've witnessed these rituals' profound impact on couples and their families, as they bridge the past and present.

Let’s get together and talk about the rituals you’d like for YOUR ceremony, schedule your call


Popular Unity Ceremonies - Non-Traditional


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